雄性果蝇蛹期生殖器影像盘显示间质向上皮的转变.Drosophila hearts.  The upper one is the heart of a wild type, i.e. 正常的, 飞, 而下面这张有趣的图显示了当Forkhead家族的两个特定基因有缺陷时会发生什么.  Mutations in the counterparts of these genes cause congenital heart defects in humans通过引导人类诱导多能人类干细胞(hiPSCs)沿着心脏谱系获得跳动的心肌细胞(心脏细胞)


Jun 11, 2022:

Congratulations to Manoj Panta and Andrew Kump for publishing yet another manuscript:

Panta et al. (2022). 在两种果蝇心包报告细胞中评估潜在Notch信号成分在指导和允许通路中的作用. Methods in Molecular 生物学 2472, 109-130. application-pdf.png下载 (750 KB)

May 14, 2022:

Congratulations to Dr. Leah Beth VanBlaricum and Dr. Mason Gay, lab alumni, for being awarded their M.D. 度.

Apr 20, 2022:

祝贺Rajnandani Katariya获得Rich and Robin Porter癌症研究中心奖学金.

Apr 4, 2022:

Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Kump for beginning his new position as a Post Doctorate Scientist at MassBiologics, Boston.

Feb 18, 2022:

祝贺Tejas Kandharkar收到了印第安纳大学医学院的录取通知书.

Nov 18, 2021:

祝贺Caitlin Mankser收到北德克萨斯大学医师助理项目的录取通知.

Nov 18, 2021:


Oct 11, 2021:

Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Kump for successfully submitting and defending his Ph.D. dissertation.

Aug 1, 2021:

Congratulations to Dr. Manoj Panta开始了他在辛辛那提儿童医院医学中心分子心血管生物学部门的博士后研究员的新职位.

May 26, 2021:

Congratulations to Dr. Manoj Panta for successfully submitting and defending his Ph.D. dissertation.

Mar 3, 2021:

Congratulations to Andrew Kump and M. Rezaul Hasan for being awarded Rich and Robin Porter Cancer 研究 Center Fellowships.

Feb 23, 2021:

祝贺Manoj Panta成为澳门合法赌场官网2021年贝克曼学生研究奖的毕业生获奖者.

Feb 05, 2021:

祝贺Andrew Kump和Manoj Panta又有一份手稿被接受出版了。

Kump et al. (2021). 果蝇Forkhead/Fox转录因子Jumeau通过调节Nebbish激酶的表达介导特异性心脏祖细胞分裂. Scientific Reports 11, 3221.application-pdf.png下载 - (3.30 MB)

Oct 09, 2020:

Congratulations to Manoj Panta, Andrew Kump, and John Dalloul for having their manuscript accepted for publication:

Panta et al. (2020). Three distinct mechanisms, Notch instructive, permissive, and independent, regulate the expression of two different pericardial genes to specify cardiac cell subtypes. 《澳门赌场玩法官网》 15, e0241191.application-pdf.png下载 - (3.32 MB)

Mar 30, 2020:

祝贺Ishreet Lehal的研究项目在全州获得第一名,并在印第安纳州科学与工程博览会上被评为最佳生物学项目.

Feb 28, 2020:

祝贺Andrew Kump和Manoj Panta获得研究生研究基金的旅行资助.

Feb 22, 2020:


Dec 20, 2019:

祝贺Sierra Crowe收到了印第安纳大学医学院的录取通知书.

May 11, 2019:

祝贺Harjas Singh被授予海因斯纪念章和澳门合法赌场官网杰出毕业生奖.

Mar 21, 2019:

祝贺Takoda Sons收到了印第安纳大学医学院的录取通知书.

Feb 20, 2019:

祝贺Harjas Singh收到了印第安纳大学医学院的录取通知书.

Nov 5, 2018:


May 12, 2018:

Congratulations to Leah Beth Carter for being awarded the Hines Medal at Indiana State University.

May 4, 2018:

祝贺John Dalloul在科学领域获得印第安纳州州长STEM团队奖.

Apr 2, 2018:

Congratulations to John Dalloul for receiving offers of admission from Stanford, Princeton, Emory and Indiana Universities.

Mar 24, 2018:

Andrew Kump和Manoj Panta都在印第安纳波利斯举行的第133届印第安纳科学院年会上的细胞生物学论坛上发表了研究演讲, IN.

Mar 9, 2018:

John Dalloul, Terre Haute South Vigo High School student and Ahmad Lab member, 被选中在亨特谷举行的全国青少年科学与人文学术研讨会上作口头报告, 2018.

Feb 26, 2018:

John Dalloul, Terre Haute South Vigo High School student and Ahmad Lab member, 在费城举行的第59届果蝇研究年会的“聚焦本科生研究”研讨会上做了口头报告, PA.

Feb 9, 2018: 祝贺Manoj Panta获得研究生研究基金的旅行资助.
Jan 23, 2018:


Jan 5, 2018:

祝贺莉娅·贝丝·卡特收到伊利诺伊大学医学院的录取通知书, Indiana University, and Southern Illinois University.

Sep 22, 2017:


May 15, 2017: 祝贺安德鲁·坎普(Andrew Kump)在Cho实验室的本科阶段组装的《澳门赌场玩法官网》中发表.
May 8, 2017: Another manuscript has been accepted for publication from the Ahmad Lab:

艾哈迈德,年代. M. (2017). Conserved signaling mechanisms in Drosophila heart development. Developmental Dynamics 246, 641-656. application-pdf.png下载 - (748 KB)

Mar 10, 2017: John Dalloul, Terre Haute South Vigo High School student and Ahmad Lab member, 在圣地亚哥举行的全国青少年科学与人文学术研讨会上作口头报告, CA.
Feb 13, 2017: 祝贺Manoj Panta获得春季研究生研究基金的资助.
Jan 23, 2017: Kennedy Camden, Leah Beth Carter, Harjas Singh, 和Takoda Sons的研究被选为第31届全国大学生研究年会上的报告.
July 13, 2016: Shaad Ahmad is awarded a Scientist Development Grant from the American Heart Association.
Dec 23, 2015: Shaad Ahmad is awarded a COMPETE grant from Indiana State University.
Nov 26, 2015:

First manuscript accepted for publication from the Ahmad Lab:

Ahmad et al. (2016)两个Forkhead转录因子通过控制成纤维细胞生长因子和Wnt信号通路受体的表达来调节心脏祖细胞的规范. Development 143, 306-317.  application-pdf.png下载 - (2.96 MB)

Aug 27, 2015: 艾哈迈德实验室从美国国立卫生研究院获得了研究设备的长期贷款.
Aug 15, 2015: The Ahmad Lab is open for business.