多样性 in Business Symposium 2023

多样性 in Business Symposium 2023

Monday, February 20, 2023 at the Sycamore Banquet Center,

Hulman Memorial Student Union at 10:00am to 1:00pm

作为一所一流的商学院, we aim to provide a culture of diversity, 股本, and inclusion for all students, 教师, 还有我们学院的员工. 我们相信每个人都是有价值的,并努力促进尊重的思想交流, 的想法, and opportunities within business. 该活动将汇集不同群体的学生和澳门合法赌场官网人士,他们将分享他们的商业经验, 包括他们在支持更具包容性的工作环境方面面临的机遇和挑战. The symposium will begin at 10:00 a.m. and culminate with a keynote address from Mr. 大卫包 – CEO of 三一金融咨询

Mr. 大卫包

首席执行官, 三一金融咨询

大卫包大卫包 is the 总统 of 三一金融咨询, a financial consulting firm that provides strategic planning, 咨询服务, 为美国各地的客户提供商业贷款安置服务和金融资源. David也是Trinity Elite的50%合伙人,Trinity Elite是一家位于印第安纳波利斯的新房建造商和全屋装修公司 & 辛辛那提,哦. David也是印第安纳州和俄亥俄州市场的合伙人和房地产多户开发商. 大卫是一名持有执照的人寿保险代理人,他帮助家人和朋友提供金融教育,让他们离开金融资源 & 留给家人的遗产. David仍然是一名投资者,并积极发展多元化的投资组合.

David的背景是在商业融资银行业工作了28年,最后8年担任商业银行高管. David is a graduated of 澳门合法赌场官网 in 1990 with a major in accounting. 大卫也于1990年毕业于印第安纳军事学院,并被任命为军官. 大卫在印第安纳州陆军国民警卫队度过了15年光荣的时光,然后离开去追求其他机会.

大卫是印第安纳波利斯社区内几位年轻男女的导师,也是“大哥大姐”项目中的一位大哥. David is also active in his church, Eastern Star Church-Indianapolis, and is a counselor in their Financial Freedom Program.

David is married to Robin for over 24 years. They have three adult children, Ben Anjelica and Nijel, and a new grandson, Karter. 大卫喜欢花时间旅行、打高尔夫球、学习和与家人共度时光.

Mr. 安东尼·菲利普斯二世

副首席 & Executive Director of External Equity印第安纳州政府


安东尼·菲利普斯二世 received his Bachelor of Arts from Purdue University in 2011, majoring in English and minoring in African American Studies. In a complete 180° turn from his plan to become an English teacher, Anthony instead spent his career in the Data & 分析领域. In 2015, 他获得了the University of Indianapolis的工商管理硕士学位, with an initial concentration in 金融 and, 晚些时候, an additional concentration in Applied Analytics.

Prior to joining Chief Officer Herring’s team as 副首席 & 外部股权执行董事,安东尼曾在KIPP Indy担任数据总监 & 指令. He was a facilitating member of the KIPP Indy Equity Working Group, 领导小组讨论,旨在揭示无意识的偏见,并将KIPP Indy在为学生利益而对抗系统性不平等和歧视方面的作用集中在一起, 其中大多数是BIPOC.

安东尼在他获得学位的同一个温迪晚上工商管理硕士项目兼职教授. 除了, he manages Phillips Consulting, 有限责任公司, 这是一家小型咨询公司,他向低收入住房税收抵免行业的开发商出售增加租金收入预测的计算方法.

For Anthony, working for the State of Indiana is a common family thread. Prior to retiring, his father worked for the 部门 of Revenue. His mother currently works for the Auditor of State. 他的妻子詹妮弗目前在印第安纳州住房和社区发展局工作. Prior to his current role in the Office of the CEIOO, 安东尼之前的州政府工作经历包括在交通部工作, 副官办公室, 和汽车管理局.

Anthony enjoys golfing with friends, 和爸爸一起钓鱼, 和他的兄弟们打篮球, attending events hosted by his mother, and exploring local/state parks with his wife.

夫人. 考特尼蒙特福特



Courtney is a Managing Principal at Gibson. She specializes in identifying business, strategic, and hazard risk exposures. Courtney为客户提供咨询,制定和实施战略,以有效和高效地发展和保护他们的业务. She is also a member of Gibson's Board of Directors.

在2017年加入Gibson之前,Courtney在Willis Towers Watson工作了13年. 她拥有丰富的商业保险和风险管理经验,曾与不同业务领域的大型全球客户合作, 包括私募股权, 热情好客, 房地产, 和制造业. She specialized in contractual risk management consultation, risk management and insurance considerations during acquisitions/divestitures, 程序设计 & 实现, international considerations in a global marketplace, and strategic account management solutions. 在内部, Courtney served on the Willis Client Service Advisory Council for five years, including two years as acting chairperson.


Dr. 黛博拉·柯蒂斯


黛博拉·柯蒂斯黛博拉·J. 柯蒂斯于2018年1月3日开始担任澳门合法赌场官网第十二任校长. 她是第一位女总统,也是澳门合法赌场官网第二位毕业生. 她从中密苏里大学(University of Central 密苏里州)来到澳门合法赌场官网,自2012年以来一直担任该校教务长和首席学习官.

Prior to becoming provost at Central 密苏里州, 2006年至2012年,他担任伊利诺伊州立大学教育学院院长, interim dean from 2005 to 2006 and as director of the Cecilia J. 2001年至2005年,Lauby教师教育中心,临床经验和认证流程. 她在伊利诺伊州立大学工作了26年,晋升为正教授.

柯蒂斯获得了博士学位.D. 毕业于澳门合法赌场官网课程和教学澳门合法赌场官网,专攻中学教育和教学监督. 她拥有伊利诺伊大学音乐教育硕士学位和麦克默里学院音乐教育学士学位.

在她的职业生涯中, 柯蒂斯通过参与伊利诺伊州的各种服务角色为她的社区和职业服务, 密苏里州, 现在是印第安纳州. Some of these include the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce Board, Terre Haute竞争, the Central Indiana Corporate 合作伙伴hip, 印第安纳商会委员会, Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation Board, 印第安纳大学校园紧凑板, NCAA Division I 总统ial Forum, and the Indiana Chamber 2025+ Task Force.

柯蒂斯和她的丈夫林恩是五个孩子和九个孙子的父母. Lynn worked in public education for nearly 40 years as a teacher, 教练, 体育指导员, principal and school district superintendent.

Ms. 考特尼克伦

区域主任, West Central Indiana Small Business Development Center



克伦, who assumed the position in late March, 在圣玛丽森林学院获得市场营销本科学位,并开始管理迪凯特的一家小企业, 生病了., before returning to Indiana for her Master of 工商管理 degree, which she received in 2010 from Indiana State.

作为澳门合法赌场官网的学生, 里奇担任研究生助理,并帮助领导工商管理硕士项目的招聘工作, 这段经历对她在伍兹大学担任研究生招生主任有帮助吗.

The position quickly turned into one of business engagement, which allowed 克伦 to develop business relationships in Terre Haute, where she became entwined in the downtown area and the Chamber of Commerce.

Dr. 克里斯·奥尔森


克里斯·奥尔森Dr. 克里斯托弗·奥尔森是澳门合法赌场官网教务长兼学术事务副校长。. He has been involved in higher education leadership for more than fifteen years, as chairperson of the 部门 of 历史 (2002-2016), Dean of the College of 艺术与科学 (2016-2021), and in numerous other university assignments. Most of this work has focused on areas associated with curriculum, 远程教育, 人员, 研究生教育, 建议, 社区参与, 从实践经验中学习, 对外关系. 克里斯获得了博士学位.D. 作为一名学者,他写了很多关于19世纪美国历史的文章.S. focusing on politics, gender and masculinity, and regionalism and identity.