
502 Prohibition on Hostile or Intimidating Workplace Behavior

Authority: Approved by the 校董会
ISU is committed to the principles of integrity, 公平, professionalism in the workplace as espoused in 政策 501 教师 and 工作人员 Principles of Conduct. Hostile or intimidating workplace behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

502.1 Definition of Hostile and/or Intimidating Behavior

Behavior that is hostile and/or intimidating and that is pervasive or severe enough that a reasonable person would find that it has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s or group’s work environment is prohibited.  A person or a group can perpetrate this behavior. The person need not be more senior than or a supervisor to the target. Unacceptable behavior may include, but is not limited to:

a) Abusive expression (including spoken, 写, recorded, visual, digital, or nonverbal, etc.) directed at another person in the workplace, such as derogatory remarks or epithets that are outside the range of commonly accepted expressions of disagreement, 反对, or critique in an academic culture and professional setting that respects free expression;

b) Unwarranted physical contact or intimidating gestures;

c)明显排除, 隔离, or targeting having the effect of harming another person’s reputation in the workplace and hindering another person’s work;

d.) Sabotage of another person’s work or impeding another person’s capacity for academic expression, 是口头的吗?, 写, 或其他;

e)滥用职权, such as using threats or retaliation in the exercise of authority, 监督, 或指导, or impeding another person from exercising shared governance rights.


Repeated acts or a pattern of hostile and/or intimidating behaviors are more likely to be considered pervasive and severe. An especially severe or egregious single act may warrant either discipline or dismissal.


澳门合法赌场官网 has an enduring commitment to academic freedom, 言论自由, the conception of the University as a place that must encourage and foster the free exchange of ideas, 信仰, 和意见, 然而不受欢迎. ISU adheres to the principles of academic freedom as set forth in the AAUP’s 1940 Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure. The policy is not intended to constitute a general civility code addressing ordinary stresses of the workplace, such as occasionally insensitive language or behavior.


This policy is not intended to constrain commonly accepted workplace management practices, nor does it constitute the only mechanism for employees to address concerns about hostile or intimidating workplace behavior. Supervisors may address unacceptable behavior through normal management practices.


Allegations of discriminatory behavior as set forth in 政策 921美国残疾人922 政策 Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, 政策 923 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment 政策 will be forwarded to the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Office for investigation and resolution.

502.6 Procedures for Resolving Accusations of Hostile and/or Intimidating Behavior

A person who has been the target of hostile and/or intimidating behavior by someone within their employee class may use the grievance policy associated with their employee class. (政策 146 Bylaws of the 教师 Senate第146条.14 大学教员的不满; 政策565员工不满). When the complainant and the respondent are from different employee classes, 政策 501 教师 and 工作人员 Principles of Conduct第501条.3 Grievance Procedures between Employee Groups 将被使用.


502.7.1教员纪律. Discipline can be imposed on faculty members for violations in compliance with the requirements of the formal processes delineated in the Chairperson’s and/or Dean’s authorities regarding Deficient Performance as outlined in 政策 350 Academic 部门 Chairperson第350条. or 政策 146 Bylaws of the 教师 Senate第146条.13 教师 Discipline and Dismissal. 

502.7.2员工纪律.  Discipline can be imposed on staff in compliance with the requirements of the formal processes delineated in 政策 562 工作人员 Discipline, Termination, Resignation.


Office of 财务及行政
(812) 237-4120
Related Policies and Information:
政策 501 教师 and 工作人员 Principles of Conduct
政策 146 教师 Discipline and Dismissal
政策 350 Academic 部门 Chairperson
政策 562 工作人员 Discipline, Termination, Resignation
502年政策, 整体而言, was approved for inclusion in the Handbook by the ISU 校董会 on May 6, 2016.