



作为公共基金的管理者,致力于维护一个基于相互尊重和信任的澳门合法赌场官网氛围中的学习和发现环境, the employees of ISU shall conduct their work consistent with the highest legal, 伦理道德标准. ISU员工应避免明显或实际的利益冲突, 偏袒, or bias of a financial or personal nature that may arise in the employment or educational context. Conflicts of interest can arise: (1) when an individual may have a financial interest in ISU programs, 活动, (2)当个人的外部活动严重干扰或减损其在国际滑联的职责时, 或者(3)当个人的个人利益(例如.g., 家庭或私人关系)可能会影响他们的判断, 决定, 或者工作场所的行为. The standards set forth below establish ISU policy on conflicts of interest in a manner that is consistent with, 但是除了, 这是印第安纳州法律的最低要求.



印第安纳州法律规定ISU的董事会成员和雇员, 作为公务员, must disclose certain potential financial conflicts of a interest to the ISU 校董会 in writing. The disclosure and approval should be forthcoming before any transaction takes place. Failure to disclose these financial conflicts of interest is considered a felony under Indiana law. The scope and application of Indiana law on this subject is addressed in detail at Indiana Code Section 35-44.1-1-4.

912.1.1金钱利益的定义. 印第安纳州法律将“金钱利益”定义为“合同或购买中的利益,如果合同或购买将导致或意图导致公务员或公务员的受抚养人的收入或净资产的可确定的增加”. Generally, however, small-dollar financial interests are not subject to Indiana conflicts laws.  具体地说, 印第安纳州法律规定,如果“公务员在合同或购买以及政府实体在合同或购买日期之前的十二(12)个月内的所有其他合同和购买中的利益为250美元(250美元)或以下”,则不禁止冲突."

912.1.2披露程序. 在合同或采购的最终行动之前,员工应及时向ISU办公室和总法律顾问提供信息. 总法律顾问办公室应负责向国际滑联社区提供有关财务利益冲突要求的信息, 保存记录, 并按照印第安纳州法律的要求提交信息披露.

912.1.单位利益冲突政策. 某些单位, 比如财政援助办公室和采购办公室, may institute additional restrictions related to financial conflicts of interest.

912.1.研究中的利益冲突. 首席研究官负责制定政策,以管理与全部或部分由外部赞助商资助的研究或项目有关的财务利益冲突,并符合联邦或州法规.

912.1.5修改义务. 当一个实际的, 感知到的, or potential financial conflict of interest arises and is disclosed by the employee in accordance with 第912节.1.2, 员工和适当的行政单位负责人有共同的责任来解决和确定是否可以建立解决方案或保护措施,以消除或减轻冲突或潜在的利益冲突,并保护员工在工作场所履行其指定职责和行使适当判断的能力, 根据912政策和印第安纳州法律. 如果能达成这样的决议, then the employee and the appropriate administrative unit head(s) will negotiate that resolution. Such negotiations may require assistance from the 总法律顾问办公室, 人力资源办公室, 或教务处.

912.1.5.1的分歧. 如果双方不能达成解决办法,而有关行政单位负责人认为利益冲突仍然存在, the matter may be referred for disciplinary action as described in 146.13教员纪律和解雇程序或562.1纪律处分与解除.

912.1.6未披露. 未能按照本政策的要求披露财务利益冲突的员工可能会受到350所述的纠正措施. Deficient Performance or to disciplinary action as described in 146.13教员纪律和解雇程序或562.1纪律处分与解除.





912.2.3 .定期和全日制教师外部活动
普通教员和专职教员应定期报告任何可能被合理地认为产生潜在利益冲突的外部活动. Common examples include teaching courses for other institutions of higher education; external employment or substantial service 活动; running for or holding an elected office; or provision of professional services or 咨询 活动. 非豁免员工和兼职教师在履行对大学的义务的前提下,可以自由参加任何他们希望参加的外部活动.

912.2.3.1披露程序. 教师应按照教务处制定的机制和时间表报告对外活动.

912. .未披露. 教师 who fail to disclose external 活动 may be subject to corrective action as described in 350. .性能不足和146.13教员纪律和开除.



912.全职(或同等学历)校外工作. 教师 are prohibited from doing any work for another employer that is, 或者等于, 全职工作. 是被禁止的.

912.为直接竞争对手提供建议、管理或咨询. 开发或管理与澳门合法赌场官网直接竞争的学术项目的实质性贡献被认为是利益冲突,是被禁止的.


912.许可/认可所需的措施. 除非另有禁止., any activity that is necessary for licensure/accreditation is allowed when conducted consistent with that requirement.

912.提高大学声誉的行动. 除非另有禁止., 诸如创作之类的操作, 咨询, 执行, 练习, or engaging in entrepreneurial activity is allowed when conducted consistent with teaching, 学术界的学术和服务利益.

912.可评审活动. 任何介于被禁止活动之间的活动.和允许的(912).在有证据表明该活动妨碍教师履行第310条所述职责或出现潜在利益冲突的问题之前,将被允许进行.

912.2.3.3审核程序. When a 教师 member’s activity and/or performance are called into question, the Procedures for Reviewing Outside Activities document will be used to determine the recommendation to the Provost.


员工不得直接监督与其有家庭关系或亲密关系的个人. If an employee has indirect or tangential supervisory authority over a family member or intimate partner, the employee is responsible for disclosing the information to the immediate supervisor of the area. 直接主管有责任确定监督计划,以确保公平公正的监督.


912.3.1.1家庭关系的定义. 就本政策而言-无论是出生, 采用, or marriage - a familial relationship is established when the supervisor or academic evaluator is a parent, 祖父母, 配偶, 孩子, 孙子, 哥哥, 妹妹, 阿姨, 叔叔, 侄子, 或雇员或学生的侄女.

912.3.1.2亲密关系的定义. 就本政策而言, an intimate relationship is defined as one in which two individuals are involved in a sexual, 身体亲密, 或者是恋爱关系. 这包括家庭伴侣和配偶.

912.3.1.3监督关系的界定. 就本政策而言, a supervisory relationship is defined as one in which one ISU employee (including administrators, 教师, 教练, and staff) has actual or 感知到的 power or control over elements of the other’s employment.

912.3.1.学术或评价关系的定义. 就本政策而言, and academic or 评价 relationship is defined as one in which a professor, 教练, or other staff member has authority or responsibility to undertake or contribute to evaluating, 分级, 或者给学生建议, 或者一个教授, 教练, 或其他工作人员在其他方面对学生的学习成绩或成功有实际或感知的权力或控制.


912.3.2.1就业背景. Where two employees have a current or preexisting supervisory relationship, and where an intimate or familial relationship develops between them, they each must promptly disclose the intimate or familial relationship, and steps will be taken promptly to sever or modify the supervisory relationship. 类似的, where two employees have a preexisting intimate or familial relationship, 其中一方对另一方负有监督关系, they each must promptly disclose the intimate or familial relationship, and steps will be taken promptly to sever or modify the supervisory relationship. 在不存在工作场所监督关系的情况下,不禁止ISU员工之间的亲密关系和家庭关系.

912.3.2.2学术背景. Where a current or preexisting academic or 评价 relationship exists, 禁止亲密或家庭关系, 只要你们的学术或评价关系还在继续. Where a current or preexisting intimate or familial relationship exists, 于是一种学术或评价关系就产生了, the 教师 or staff member must promptly disclose the intimate relationship, and steps will be taken promptly to sever or modify the academic or 评价 relationship.

912.3.3披露程序.    Relationship disclosures must be made to the relevant department or unit head or to 人力资源办公室.  就本节而言, “迅速”的意思是在最早的机会, 通常在两周内, 在教学开始之前, 评价, 咨询, 或监管机构, or other opportunity to influence the employment or educational status of the student or subordinate employee.

912.3.4修改义务. 在披露个人利益冲突时, 相关部门或单位负责人或人力资源厅将对监督或评估职责作出适当修改,以消除或实质性减轻冲突或潜在的利益冲突或滥用权力, and to ensure unbiased evaluation or supervision of the subordinate employee or student. Such arrangements should take into account the interests of the University, 关系的各方, 以及其他实际或潜在受到影响的人. Appropriate modifications may include removal of the supervisory or 评价 relationship. 部门或单位负责人必须通知相关院长, 助理副总裁或副总裁个人利益冲突的存在及所作的修改. Each Vice 总统 shall develop guidelines clarifying the process for that division. The unit or department head will also notify 人力资源办公室.

912.3.5侵犯. 违反本政策的个人(1)未能披露家庭或亲密关系,或(2)未能适当修改监督或评估职责,将根据员工或教员纪律政策受到员工纪律处分.

912.3.6政策限制. 本政策中的任何内容均不得被解释为修改员工在其他政策下的报告义务,包括但不限于政策923《澳门合法赌场官网》.


(812) 237-4141
Policy 912 was approved by the 澳门合法赌场官网 校董会 at the June 11, 2015 board meeting and added to the University Handbook (Section 630.17 Conflict of Interest and Policy 502 Nepotism were removed at that time). 部分912.3.3和912.3.董事会于2015年8月27日对其中4项进行了修改. On September 15, 2021, minor changes were made to Policy 912利益冲突 per Policy 100.3:政策可由受托人自行决定更改.. 第912节.1被修改为更新代词和添加链接的形式. On February 16, 2024, modifications to Policy 912 were approved by the ISU 校董会.