
100 Establishment of University 政策库

Authority: Approved by the 校董会
Last updated on: February 21, 2020

100.1 University Handbook 历史

的 first 澳门合法赌场官网 Handbook was published in 1961 and has continued to be published in print or online form since its initial publication. 的 University Handbook has traditionally described the history, 行政组织, policies and procedures that govern the University, including but not limited to the bylaws of the 校董会, the constitution and bylaws of the University Faculty Senate, the bylaws of the 员工委员会, the constitution and bylaws of the Student Government Association, operational policies of major University Divisions, and all other University policies the Board determines appropriate.


的 University 政策库 is hereby established as the successor to the 澳门合法赌场官网 Handbook. 的 University 政策库 shall retain all policies previously approved by the 校董会, subject to modification from time to time. 的 总统 or the 总统's designee shall be responsible for the regular review of policies.  

100.3 Policies Subject to Change at Sole Discretion of Trustees

的 policies contained in the University 政策库 are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Indiana State 校董会. 的 University 政策库, as successor to the University Handbook, supersedes all prior handbooks or written policies of 澳门合法赌场官网 that are inconsistent with its current provisions. 的 Office of the 总法律顾问 is authorized to make minor and inconsequential changes to the policies in the 政策库, 比如语法变化, 重新编号, or change in the office or position titles. 修改前, the 总法律顾问 or the Policy Administrator will notify the Chairpersons of the Faculty Senate, 员工委员会, and Student Government Association that the proposed modification will be made. With respect to Policy changes in Policy 145 Constitution of the Faculty Senate, Policy 146 Bylaws of the Faculty Senate, and all policies in Section 300 Faculty Handbook, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee will have the opportunity to certify the modification under the procedure in Policy 145 Constitution of Faculty Senate, 第145节.9.1.4. 

100.4 University Policies Do Not Create a Contract

 University 政策库 does not create a contract of employment between ISU and its employees. 一般, the employment relationship between ISU and an employee is at-will and either the employee or ISU may terminate the employment relationship at any time, 出于某种原因, 有或没有原因, unless a specific provision in the Handbook provides otherwise. 的 University 政策库 establishes that certain provisions related to tenured and tenure-track faculty are exceptions to the at-will relationship. 没有主管, 经理, or representative of ISU other than the 澳门合法赌场官网 校董会 has the authority to approve any agreement regarding the terms of employment that changes the employment relationship or deviates from the provisions in this Handbook, except to the extent authority has been delegated.


Office of the 总法律顾问
Office of the 总法律顾问
(812) 237-4141
Office of the 总法律顾问
Related Policies and Information:
120  Authority of ISU 校董会
Resolution of the 校董会 Establishing 政策库
Approved by the 校董会 on December 14, 2018. On February 21, 2020, the 校董会 approved the modifications to 100.3 which authorizes the Office of the 总法律顾问 to make minor and inconsequential changes to the policies in the 政策库.