

的 Pre-Pharmacy Program provides an excellent foundation for students who plan to attend pharmacy school.

在入学, each student works with a pre-professional advisor, who helps the student develop a strategy for selecting courses, identifying an appropriate departmental major (degree 程序), 和 navigating the pharmacy school application process.

During the second or third semester of study, each student selects a major field of study, 和 a faculty advisor is assigned to develop a plan to meet degree requirements for that major.

的 University offers a variety of activities 和 organizations that enable students to participate in volunteer activities, 实习, 和 community service. Other opportunities include the University's 荣誉项目 和 study abroad 程序s—which range from summer 程序s to a single semester or a full academic year in over 56 countries.



For career information, visit the American Pharmacists Association.

金融援助 & 奖学金

学生 have many sources of financial support for their studies, including financial aid, work-study 程序s, veterans' benefits, 和 special scholarships for entering freshmen 和 transfer students.

In addition, a variety of scholarships are available through the College of Arts 和 Sciences.

Further Information

Prospective students should contact the Office of 招生 for further information 和 assistance.

Currently enrolled students should contact the following:

Pre-Professional Programs
Indiana State University


的 研究生目录 和 本科 Catalog of Indiana State University are the documents of authority for all students. 的 requirements given in the catalogs supersede information issued by any academic department, 程序, 大学, 或学校. 的 University reserves the right to change the requirements at any time.



Prospective students should contact the Office of 招生 for further information 和 assistance.

Currently enrolled students should contact the following:

Pre-Professional Programs
Indiana State University